So What is Easter Venture?!?

Easter Venture is a four day competitive hike, run by the South Australian Venturer Branch. The event is held at a secret location somewhere in rural Australia. There are 5 trophies to be won over the course of the weekend.

The Theme trophy goes to the team that does the best job of getting into the Gangster theme and participates in all the lunch and evening activities presented by the EV Theme Team.

The Hike Trophy is awarded to the team that shows the highest level of skill in hiking. This is done by collecting checkpoints along the hike. There are 3 levels of difficulty and hiking teams can choose to collect as many or as few levels as they want.

The Camp Trophy is awarded to the team that achieves the highest standard of camping, including teamwork, tidiness, food preparation.

The Activities Trophy will go to the team that participates in and wins the most points at the activity check points along the hike route (run by SA Rover crews).

The EV Perpetual Trophy is the overall trophy to be awarded to the team that demonstrates the highest levels of participation, skill and enthusiasm and generally participates in the spirit in which the event is run

Teams of hikers compete to win as many of the five trophies as they dare. Teams can be a made up of a mix of males and females from any of the three eligible groups; Venturers, Guides or Duke of Edinburgh Awards participants(D.O.E.'s). All hikers must be aged over 14, but not their 18th birthday, on or before April 18, 2003. Hikers need to have completed their Venturer Skills award or equivalent.

During the evenings, teams will be able to relax and socialise with other entrants, enter more fun activities to win extra Theme points, see a movie, and on the final night enjoy a hot meal, freshly prepared for you and then go to the outdoor night club.

Participants will be required to make their own way to and from Easter Venture - details have been provided with the application form.

Every year Easter Venture has a different theme, this year the theme is Mobsta Mayhem which will see Venturers stepping back in time to the 1940's, the hey day of the Mafia and our own Don, Don Gio Brownie . . .

What are the Rules on E.V?

  • The Scout Law is the Law of Easter Venture.
  • Many leaders, Rovers and volunteers give their time and resources to make E.V. possible and a responsible, cooperative attitude from Venturers allows us all to enjoy it more.
  • Some things are prohibited:-
    Alcohol, illegal substances or non prescription drugs
    Large sheath or bush knives, fire works…
    Mixed sleeping arrangements i.e. no sex
    Vandalism - souveniring - graffiti.
    Do any of the above and your parents will be none too happy about having to come and pick you up!
  • No G.P.S. allowed.
  • No hitch hiking.
  • No fires due to bushfire prevention regulations.
  • Walk on the edge of unsealed roads facing the oncoming traffic.
  • While hiking, teams must stay together!

All members of your team must visit the checkpoints you choose.

There are 2 kinds of checkpoints:-

Activity checkpoints: where Rovers run an activity related to the theme which takes a few minutes, earns your team bronze level points.

Unmanned checkpoints: [Bronze, Silver or Gold level] designated by a bright orange marker with an intention sheet for you to complete and a stamp and pad for you to mark your team passport.

No water is available for hikers at either of these checkpoints.

The Lunch Checkpoint
is open from 11am until 2pm. All teams must visit this checkpoint. Water and 1st Aid are available. After your one hour compulsory stop you are checked out and given your afternoon checkpoint list.

Campsite opens at 4pm. You must be in by 6pm.
Late penalties apply. Check in with your leaders. Hot water will be available, first aid, activities, sleep!!!!
You are able to leave the next day at 7am after checking out with your leaders. You must leave by 9am. Again late penalties apply.